Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It Sends the Global Warming Theorists Into Fits of Rage

If you are of the “intellectual” class and wear sandals in winter, WARNING: this might offend you. You can choose not to read it or you can do what most of your kind do when hearing information you don’t like…plug your ears and sing “Not hearing you,” call me names, call these scientists fools and then call me names, or…just cry like babies.

Climate change takes place when the earth’s temperatures suddenly rise.


It’s happening right now and we are causing it.

Not so much.

Apparently a team of scientists at Syracuse University has discovered that global warming occurred 500 to 1000 years ago. Dubbed the “Medieval Warm Period” and thought to have been confined to Europe, the researchers now know that it extended all the way to Antarctica.

A rare mineral called ikaite has crystals which are only stable under cold conditions and melt at room temperature. The water that holds the crystal structure together actually traps “information” about temperatures present when the crystals formed.

And the information given to the geochemists was that there was a surge in temperature followed by a mini ice age.

This is interesting because I didn’t know there were cars or trains or industrial pollutants to increase the CO2 emissions. I had no idea that even back then we human beings were mucking up the environment and causing global crises because of our wasteful and contaminating lifestyles.

Tongue in cheek aside, these guys at Syracuse are proving what most scientists have hypothesized for decades. That climate change has occurred since the dawn of the Earth and will continue to do so throughout the ages.

There is no amount of green technology, recycling, or population control that could make the slightest iota of a difference in our vast, complex, and eons-old geo-thermal system.

I don’t want to hear anymore whining from the tree-huggers. You’re just wrong and have been all along.

Now I’m going to go and turn on every light on my house, turn on my car and let it idle, and refuse to compost my vegetable trimmings.

‘Cause I can.

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